ISO 37001 Certification

We Provide the best Anti-Bribery Management Systems Certification Services!

ISO 37001 is an international standard for anti-bribery management systems. It is the first and only ISO standard that offers a step-by-step approach to developing an anti-bribery management system.

The ISO 37001:2016 Standard provides guidance on how to develop and maintain an anti-bribery management system, including the following:
1. The process of developing a sound anti-bribery policy and strategy;
2. The establishment of organizational structures and responsibilities;
3. The development of operational procedures for implementing the policy, strategy and structures;
4. The development of controls to prevent bribery, monitor compliance with the policy and strategy, detect bribery when it occurs, investigate allegations of bribery, take corrective action in response to bribery incidents or allegations thereof, report on progress in implementing the policy or strategy;
5. Actions to be taken by top management in response to a bribery incident or allegation thereof


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Benefits of a certified ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System

⦁ Opening your organization to external scrutiny of the effectiveness of your anti-bribery policies and processes

⦁ Demonstrating compliance to relevant legislation such as the Bribery Act 2010

⦁ Collaborating with stakeholders to monitor and manage risk throughout your organization and supply chain

⦁ Ensuring that suppliers, sub-contractors and agents are committed to anti-bribery best practice.

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